When we create temporary entity then what are the main role of below checkbox: do you want to make persist?

When we create temporary entity then what are the main role of below checkbox said : do you want to make persist ?

i.e I want to know if I have created a temporary entity with applied checkbox make persists then
temporary behave like as business entity so that if I need you reuse it to any page or elements then I can use it. Even last session is exists or not.

Hi @Vishal_Chakarvarti please go through this post for the initial understanding of the types of entities:

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@Vishal_Chakarvarti moreover,

  • The main role of the checkbox asking “Do you want to make this entity persistable?” for the temporary entities makes the entity persistable.

  • Persistable entities do have similar functionalities when compared to business entities, but as described in the post shared earlier, you will only be able to bind your ‘Persistable’ entities to the “Default Value” of elements.

  • Talking about the entity’s data lasting after the session, if you use the ‘Save Data’ task in vDesigner-2.0, this task will allow you to save the entity’s data even after the session is killed.

  • Please note that only “Business & Persistable (Transient) entities” save the session’s data, given that the ‘Save Data’ task is used. You will not be able to save your app/journey data with the ‘Save Data’ task if you are using “Temporary Entities”

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