What is Product Management in Admin Portal?

What is Product Management module in Admin Portal?

What are key features & benefits of this module?

Product Management is a module that serves as the central hub for managing the master data of all products within your application. It simplifies the process of defining and organizing products into a structured hierarchy, from product groups down to sub-variants.


  • Hierarchical Organization: Define products across four levels - Product Groups, Products, Variants, and Sub-Variants - for a structured, well-organized inventory.

  • Attribute Definition: Set and manage product attributes at each of the four hierarchical levels, ensuring that product information is comprehensive and relevant.

  • CRUD Operations: Easily Create, Read, Update, and Delete product information, making it simple to keep your product data accurate and up-to-date.

  • Maker/Checker Concept: Implement a dual verification process to enhance data accuracy and security. One user proposes changes (Maker), while another reviews and approves them (Checker).

  • API Integration: Expose APIs to facilitate integration with other systems, allowing for the use of this module’s functionality in various applications and workflows.

  • User-Friendly Interface: You don’t need to be a technical expert to manage all the details. It’s designed for non-technical users.


  • Hierarchy Levels: Create a hierarchical structure consisting of Product Groups, Products, Variants, and Sub-Variants to classify and organize your products effectively.

  • Attribute Management: Define and manage product attributes at each of the four hierarchy levels, tailoring product information to your specific needs.

  • CRUD Operations: Perform a range of operations to Create, Read, Update, and Delete product data, ensuring that your product database remains current and well-maintained.

  • Maker/Checker Concept: Implement a dual-verification process that enhances data integrity and ensures that changes are reviewed and approved by multiple users.

  • API Integration: Expose APIs to enable other systems and applications to leverage the functionality of the Product Management module, expanding its usability.

Please note that this module only manages the master data & hierarchy of Products, this module doesn’t have BRE & Eligibility criteria functionality.