What is Media property in Fetch Media task?

What is the significance of the Media property in the Fetch Media task, and how does it change the image fetching procedure?

The Media property of the Fetch Media task fixates the basis on which the image will be fetched.
We have two options for this property:

  • Identifier
  • Path

In Identifier, we get three options DocID, DocBundleId, and Both.

When we configure any task related to capturing an image, we see two mandatory properties in its configurations. i.e. DocID and DocBundleID.

Through DocID, we can identify the image uniquely.
Through DocBundleID, we can uniquely identify a set of images.

There are parameters which should be unique while capturing and fetching multiple images simultaneously.

We can provide DocID or DocBundleID through static or mapping it through an entity path via mapping the value init through Copy Data task.

Now for path,

As we store our captured images on some entity path. We can directly map that entity path in the Fetch Media’s Media Path property, it will fetch all the images stored at that particular mapped path.