What does the encryption version mean while downloading the build?

What does the encryption version mean while downloading the build?

In AES encryption version, we have two values in Dropdown:

  1. Default: Encryptions Versions are nothing but AES cipher modes. Defaults is CBC (cipher-block chaining) or ECB (Electronic Code Book). I am not sure exactly which one.

CBC mode achieves the first plaintext block (B1) with an initialization vector before encrypting it. It also involves block chaining as every subsequent plaintext block with the ciphertext of the previous block.

ECB mode in hiding away patterns in the plaintext.

  1. AES GCM: AES with Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) provides both authenticated encryption (confidentiality and authentication) and the ability to check the integrity and authentication of additional authenticated data (AAD) that is sent in the clear.