vFlow Continuous Enhancements

10th January 2024

Capture IP Address Task

Problem Statement : Users don’t have access to capture the public IP Address from the debugger to achieve the use case they need to add the task.

Solution : Now, there will be a task to capture the public IP Address. This task will allow the user to capture the IP Address which is available in the Debugger.

Dynamic Values in Tooltip

Problem Statement : Users don’t have the option to include dynamic values functionality in the tooltip parameter of all the elements.

Solution : There will be the inclusion of dynamic values functionality in the tooltip parameter for all elements that include the “Tooltip Label” parameter.

Debugger Accessibility

Problem Statement : Users were not able to access the debugger if there is no header.

Solution : The debugger will have a free-flowing nature; it is not fixed in the design, allowing users to drag it across the screen from its initial position.

Visibility of Service name in API Task

Problem Statement: Users were only able to find the services in the API Task. They were required to manually input the service name.

Solution: Within the API Task perimeter, there will be a service listing available for selection under the label “Service name.”

Event “on Click” on the Checkbox of Datatable

Problem Statement: Users don’t have an event on click of checkbox in table.

Solution: We have now introduced an “on Click” event on the checkbox of datatable.

Date is passed forward in the Full Calendar.

Problem Statement: There is no option to advance the clicked date when a user interacts with the calendar by selecting dates.

Solution: We have now introduced an event in the full calendar, the date should be forwarded to the popup.

Note : Vahana removed the “vFlow New” tile from Pm dashboard.

Bug Fixes

  • Check box selection/Deselection on table is working as per standard with search in table.
  • Data that is pre-selected is in editable format within the dropdown on the table page.
  • Accordion is working after clicking on the expand button.
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