Vahana Release

vConnect & IT Ops

  1. Updated the report download behavior in User & Device Analytics—now shows a pop-up titled “Report Generation in Progress” with the report path instead of a snackbar, making it easier to copy the path.
  2. Added the ability to download the table in Event Logs from IT Ops with some additional fields in XLSX format for better analysis.
  3. Upgraded to JDK 17 image with CURL support, enabling immediate notifications to the Discovery Server when the VRT pod scales up or down.

Bug Fixes


  1. Fixed duplication issues in vConnect, ensuring correct descriptions, names, mandatory field indicators.
  2. Optimized dynamic parameter configuration in DATABASE API to eliminate redundancy, ensuring each parameter is provided value only once unless uniquely named.
  3. Fixed masking issues in services with Passthrough APIs and custom microservices integrated with logging agents.
  4. Fixed SSO token details issue in hash deletion and Service audit data issue in hash creation in Redis.
  5. Resolved import functionality issue in vMonitor

IT Ops

  1. Resolved logs download issue in Trace Logs (in Developer Logs) for custom microservices with non-JSON responses; ensured compatibility with XML and other formats.
  2. Fixed issue where AUTH/AUTH_VAHANA failure logs were not generated in IT Ops.
  3. Fixed report download functionality in Users & Devices Analytics within IT Ops.
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