Vahana Release

21st June 2024

What’s New in vDesigner 2.0?

API at L1

Moving ahead with our aim of improving reusability in Designer 2.0, we are introducing APIs at the L1 option where users can configure an API and reuse it across different task groups. Previously, users had to configure the request/response in the Configure Service Task, which could not be duplicated. Additionally, we have renamed the “Invoke SDK” Task to “Invoke API Task”.

Key Features:

  • Introduction of Scope Type in API
  • Reusability of API

Please note that developers will need to define the request and response in a manner that makes the API reusable, i.e., keeping the parameters dynamic rather than static.

Array Functions Phase 2

We’re introducing a fresh set of functions designed to empower users in manipulating arrays. Presently, users are limited to implementing Search, Filter, and Sort functions in List.

Key Features :

  1. “Splice” function can change the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place. The format of the function would be:

Splice (*ListName, *StartIndex, *DeleteCount, Item1, Item2…)

The function would be available in Smart Selector.

  1. Array Manipulation Function would allow the user to add or delete a key in Json at runtime and also configure what value should be calculated under the key.

List Enhancement for Quick Filter Operation

We have received feedback from many developers that configuring filter and sort operations in Designer 2.0 is a cumbersome process. Hence, we have introduced a quicker route to complete these operations by simply configuring the rule in the property panel. This will save developers’ effort by eliminating the need to copy the list into a different list and reducing the number of steps involved.

Key Features:

  • Configuration of BR Rule in List Property Panel
  • Direct Configuration of Key for Sorting in List Property Panel

Customized Accordion

In vDesigner2.0, We have made enhancements in the Accordion component. This update brings improved functionality and versatility, catering to multiple use cases to better serve user’s design needs.

Key Features:

  1. New properties added to the accordion header allow users to enrich the alignment between the accordion title and the accordion icon.
  2. Border and box shadow properties are now available for the accordion component, accordion header, and accordion card, offering greater customization and visual enhancement.
  3. Users can choose the accordion icon from the material icon library.
  4. The icon will revolve 180 degrees to indicate the expandable and collapsible state

Fig : This figure represents the Accordion Component.

Fetch Media Task

In vDesigner2.0, we have introduced a new task, “Fetch Media”. This feature enhances the capabilities of our platform by enabling users to generate signed URLs for images uploaded to the DMS (Document Management System).

Key Features:

  1. The “Fetch Media” task allows users to generate a signed URL for an image uploaded to the server, ensuring secure and temporary access.
  2. Users can save the signed URL response directly into any path, facilitating seamless integration and real-time display of images.
  3. This task enables users to fetch the URL of uploaded media files, allowing for easy access, display, or download functionalities within the application.

Fig : This figure represents the Fetch Media Task.

Bug Fixes

Designer 2.0

UI Fixes

  • Fixed the ui issue on element tree hover and element select icon under the set config task.


  • Fixed the Image element’s layout on the canvas when the image is set to autofill.


  • Fixed the issue of Drag and Drop and enter something on input field
  • Fixed the issue with the tooltip displaying the message when hovering over and clicking on the icon and image elements.
  • Fixed the visibility issue of the icon library for the tooltip icon.
  • Removed the “Message on Max Length field” from the input field for all the input types.
  • Resolved the issue of changing the border radius of autocomplete dropdown.
  • Fixed the issue of “Label” for the range seekbar.
  • Fixed the issue of Background color’s visibility of button group elements on the build.


  • Resolved the working of the Delete Entity task.
  • Fixed the issue of opening the URL in the same tab under the open web task.
  • Fixed the issue of clearing the object and entity path after using delete entity task.
  • Resolved the taskID data visibility issue on debugger.
  • Resolved the issue of entities not appearing in the sum function.
  • Resolved the issue of fetching the query parameters in the web view element.
  • Fixed the issue of saving the data of API response Parameters.
  • Fixed the issue of saving the data of API Request Parameters.
  • Fixed the Scroll issue under BR creation and BRM manager.
  • Allowed the Special characters in the request of API.
  • Enhanced the background color of the image element which is set to gray color by default.
  • Fixed the UI issue of the date format (D/M/Y) to (M/D/Y) in the static format of the date picker element and task.