Not able to set up API data in the Table component of vFlow

Not able to set up API data in the Table component of vFlow.

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To fetch the data from an API and display it in table component:

  1. Configure Api in vConnect section.
  2. Export it as Service.

vFlow-> Task group

  1. Select Task group and add API task.
  2. provide Name of the service and required fields.
  3. In configuration section: Provide key names and data paths.
  4. Create an ‘On Load Event’. And bind the task group into it.
  5. Add this Event to the page on which the table component is mapped.

vFlow-> Components

  1. Select the ‘Table’ component from the list.
  2. Add a table and add Data Source as ‘OBJECT’ and provide Data Path in it.
  3. Submit the component then go to Elements section.
  4. You can configure all the elements required.
  5. Map this table component to the respective page.