@Lob in JPA Entity creating oid column in Postgres, How can I store them as text?

“I want to store Large Objects (LOBs) in a PostgreSQL database using the @Lob annotation in a JPA Entity, but it’s creating an OID column. How can I store @Lob as a text column in the database?”

You can achieve this by using the following approaches:

  1. Using Native Database Definition
  1. Using custom Dialect for Spring Boot version <= 2.6.x
package com.decimaltech.adminportal.dialect;

import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL10Dialect;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.sql.Types;

public class CustomPostgreSQLDialect extends PostgreSQL10Dialect {

    public SqlTypeDescriptor remapSqlTypeDescriptor(SqlTypeDescriptor sqlTypeDescriptor) {
        if (sqlTypeDescriptor.getSqlType() == Types.BLOB) {
            return LongVarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
        if (sqlTypeDescriptor.getSqlType() == Types.CLOB) {
            return LongVarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
        return super.remapSqlTypeDescriptor(sqlTypeDescriptor);

  1. Using custom Dialect for Spring Boot version > 2.6.x
package com.decimaltech.adminportal.dialect;

import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL10Dialect;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.sql.Types;

public class CustomPostgreSQLDialect extends PostgreSQL10Dialect {

    public CustomPostgreSQLDialect() {
        registerColumnType(Types.CLOB, "text");
        registerColumnType(Types.BLOB, "text");

Now add below properties:

spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = <your_package_name>.CustomPostgreSQLDialect```