How to use Forgot Password in vFlow

How can we use forgot password functionality in Custom Pages Type of page - Login

Hi @Nikhil.Dhanda,

You can implement the “Forgot Password” functionality as a button on the Custom Login Page. After adding the button, configure an event and task group to navigate the user to the custom “Forgot Password” page upon clicking the button.

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Thanks @AnushkaGupta

Can you please let me know hows the forgot password page looks like ?

Also, which API is called there to use forgot password , is there any predefined API or service or we have to create new service or API to achieve this.

Hi @Nikhil.Dhanda, That’s how your Forgot Password page will look like, you can customize the slider as per your requirements. Otherwise, you have to create and configure an API for the functionality.

Is there a predefined API or service available for this, or do we need to create a new service or API to achieve it?

There is no pre-defined API for this. You have to configure an API in vConnect for this functionality.