How to perform Concatenation while Parsing the API response in to the one text filed with the help of Entity

How to perform Concatenation while Parsing the API response in to the one text filed with the help of Entity.

For example : Passport Verification getting the name in to the two key : 1.) surname 2.) firstname 3.) middle name in the response.
Now I want to concatenate all names and visible to one text field. How to do that in designer 2.0 ?


  1. Begin by configuring the service through the “Configure Service” task.

  2. Within the response parameters of the service, Use an entity with two keys: one for the first name and the other for the last name.

  3. Utilize the “Copy Data” task to transfer the merged response into the designated text field for output.

  4. Use the “CONCAT” function to combine the first name and last name in the “Copy From” panel, assigning the result to the “Copy To” panel for the output text.

  5. Conclude by reloading the text using the “Reload Elements” task.

  6. Finally Your response will look like this :
    Screenshot from 2024-05-02 11-44-48