How to hide and unhide components on the basis of BRE?

How to hide and unhide components on the basis of BRE?

To hide or unhide components on the basis of BRE, we need to configure these steps:

  1. vFlow->components->Elements
  2. You need to unselect the box of ‘is visible’ for that element on which the condition needs to be applied.
    3.Rest Br configuration will be same : you will apply CONTROL_VISIBLE task in task group and mention that element in that.

To hide or unhide components on the basis of BRE, we need to configure these steps:

  1. vFlow->components->Elements
  2. You need to unselect the box of ‘is visible’ for that element on which the condition needs to be applied.
    3.Rest Br configuration will be same : you will apply CONTROL_VISIBLE task in task group and mention that element in that.