How to create an array in Vflow

I need to create an empty array in to push objects in. how can I do that?


To create an empty array, add a Taskgroup containing 2 Tasks mentioned below.

Task 1: Create a Control Copy task and copy Fixed value in the desired path.
Copy From Path:
Copy To Path: getVal(“tempObject.arrayPath”)

Task 2: Create a Control Copy task to parse the arrayPath. This task will parse “” to (whichever value copied in FIXED type is copied as a string hence parsing is necessary)
Type: JSON
Copy From Path: getVal(“tempObject.arrayPath”,“tempObject.arrayPath”)
Copy To Path: getVal(“tempObject.arrayPath”)
Note: Syntax used to parse any value in the given path: getVal(“path”,“path”)

Output in Debugger: Empty array created on the path tempObject.arrayPath