How to create a table that fetches API and show list of records?

How to create a table that fetches API and show list of records?

To configure a table which shall fetch the data from an Api. You will have to configure an API first.

  1. Create a new API in vConnect.
  2. Under the End Point details tab → Create new Environment Variable.
  3. Choose the Method.
  4. Provide the required param details.
  5. Save it

Export it as a Service.

  1. Thus, you need to click the Export icon.
  2. You can see that the service is available in the Service Management section.

Now, Go to vFlow and Click Task Groups in the Left Menu
You will use the API task for this.
Steps to Create API Task:

  1. Add new Task Group.
  2. Select API task.
  3. Provide name, sequence.
  4. In configuration section: Provide required keys and data path.
    Steps to Create Event for this Task:
  5. Click Add Event.
  6. Provide the name.
  7. Select type as ‘On Load’.
  8. Then select the task group and bind to this event.
  9. Then, map this event in the dependents section of the respected page.

vFlow-> Components

  1. Select the ‘Table’ component from the list.
  2. Add a table.
  3. Add Data Source as ‘OBJECT’ and provide required Data Path as ‘getVal(“__”)’.
  4. Click Submit to configure the component then go to the Elements section.
    Now in Elements :
  5. Add Elements for table attributes.
  6. Click Add Element and select from the list of elements available.
  7. In elements’s Additional properties also we need to provide ‘Data source’ and ‘Data path’.
    For example: In additional properties: Data source-> Object, Data path->getVal(“name”)
    8. Map the table component in that particular page the save and publish it.

To configure a table which shall fetch the data from an Api. You will have to configure an API first.

  1. Create a new API in vConnect.
  2. Under the End Point details tab → Create new Environment Variable.
  3. Choose the Method.
  4. Provide the required param details.
  5. Save it

Export it as a Service.

  1. Thus, you need to click the Export icon.
  2. You can see that the service is available in the Service Management section.

Now, Go to vFlow and Click Task Groups in the Left Menu
You will use the API task for this.
Steps to Create API Task:

  1. Add new Task Group.
  2. Select API task.
  3. Provide name, sequence.
  4. In configuration section: Provide required keys and data path.
    5.Steps to Create Event for this Task:*
  5. Click Add Event.
  6. Provide the name.
  7. Select type as ‘On Load’.
  8. Then select the task group and bind to this event.
  9. Then, map this event in the dependents section of the respected page.

vFlow-> Components

  1. Select the ‘Table’ component from the list.
  2. Add a table.
  3. Add Data Source as ‘OBJECT’ and provide required Data Path as ‘getVal(“__”)’.
  4. Click Submit to configure the component then go to the Elements section.
    5.Now in Elements :*
  5. Add Elements for table attributes.
  6. Click Add Element and select from the list of elements available.
  7. In elements’s Additional properties also we need to provide ‘Data source’ and ‘Data path’.
    For example: In additional properties: Data source-> Object, Data path->getVal(“name”)
    9.8. Map the table component in that particular page the save and publish it.*