How to configure charts/graphs on landing page in vDesigner

There is specific format for the charts, refer the below documentation.

Component : Flutter

New Releases :

  1. Bar Chart Component
  2. Pie Chart Component
  3. Line Chart Component
  4. Scatter Chart Component

Common Configuration :

Data Configuration

  1. X-Axis Data Array : takes an array path for X- Axis values.

eg. $.BAR_CHART.XAXIS = [“Mon”,”Tue”,”Wen”,”Thu”,”Fri”,”Sat”]

  1. Y-Axis Data Array : takes an array path for Y- Axis values.

eg. $.BAR_CHART.Y_AXIS = [10,20,30,40,50]

  1. Indicator Data Array : Takes path for array of objects where each object contains

selected state key & name key.

eg. $.PIE_CHART.SERIES[*] = [{

“NAME”: “Mon”,

“VALUE” : 30,

“IS_SELECTED” : true


“NAME”: “Tue”,

“VALUE” : 40,

“IS_SELECTED” : true


You can pass a series array path, if you structure json in the same way like the above example.

Note :

(i) If your chart alignment is “Vertical” then you don’t need to provide a Y Axis data path.

(ii) If your chart alignment is “Horizontal” then you don’t need to provide an X- Axis data path.

4.Series Data Array : Series data array path.

eg. $.PIE_CHART.SERIES[*] = [{

“NAME”: “Mon”,

“VALUE” : 30,

“IS_SELECTED” : true


“NAME”: “Tue”,

“VALUE” : 40,

“IS_SELECTED” : true


  1. Scatter Series Data Array : Series data array path for scatter chart.

eg. $.PIE_CHART.SERIES = [[2,4],[3,8],[1,9],[6,4],[2,4]];

  1. Series Name Key : Series name key which you want to map with your provided data,

As we can see in the above example, the key is “Name”.

  1. Series Value Key : Series value key which you want to map with your provided data,

As we can see in the above example key is “VALUE”.

  1. Indicator Key: Only required if you want to show an indicator in your chart.

As we can see in the above example key is “IS_SELECTED”, only

boolean value is accepted.

Choice Configurations :

  1. Show Title Subtitle : Select Yes, if you want to show title & subtitle in the chart.

  2. Show X-Axis : Select Yes, if you want to show X-Axis Data.

  3. Show Y-Axis : Select Yes, if you want to show Y Axis Data.

  4. Show Indicator : Select Yes, if you want to show an indicator in the chart.

  5. Show Tooltip : Select Yes, if you want to show tooltip in the chart.

  6. Show Split Line : Select Yes, If you want to show Axis lines in the chart.

  7. Indicator Scroll: Select Yes, if you want to make indicators scrollable.

  8. Show Series Label : Select Yes, if you want to show a label on Series data.

  9. Curved Line : Select Yes, if you want a line in the line chart smooth.

  10. Show Series Label Line: Select Yes, if you want to show a line on each series label.

  11. Show Series Background : Select yes , if you want to show background color for

series(mostly for bar chart)

Properties Configuration:

  1. Title : Primary title for chart

  2. Subtitle : Secondary title for chart.

  3. Title Color : hex color or rgb function for title.

  4. Subtitle Color : hex color or rgb function for subtitle.

5.Title Size : size for title text.

6 Subtitle Size : size for title subtitle text.

  1. Text Margin : margin of text.

  2. Text Horizontal Alignment: Horizontal alignment of text, supported values are

left,center ,right.

  1. Text Vertical alignment: Vertical alignment of text, supported values are

top ,middle ,bottom.

  1. Direction : Direction for chart, supported values are horizontal or vertical.

  2. Background color : hex color or rgb for chart background.

  3. Series Fill color: hex color or rgb for chart series, it can takes multiple value separated

by comman. Eg . #FFFFFF or #FFFFFF,#00FF00, #FF00FF

  1. Series Background color: hex color or rgb for series background.

  2. Pie Radius : radius for pie chart.

  3. Indicator Alignment : Alignment for indicator, supported values are left, right.

  4. X-Axis Alignment: X Axis data alignment, supported values are top,bottom.

  5. Y-Axis Alignment : Y Axis data alignment, supported values are top,bottom.

  6. X-Axis Text : Text for X-Axis

19 X-Axis Text Font Size : Font size for X- Axis text.

  1. X-Axis Text Font color: hex color or rgb for X-Axis text.

  2. X-Axis Data Font color: hex color or rgb for x-Axis data tiles.

  3. X-Axis Data Font Size: size for x Axis data tiles

  4. Y-Axis Text : Text for Y-Axis

24 Y-Axis Text Font Size : Font size for Y- Axis text.

  1. Y-Axis Text Font color: hex color or rgb for Y-Axis text.

  2. Y-Axis Data Font color: hex color or rgb for Y-Axis data tiles.

  3. Y-Axis Data Font Size: font size for Y-Axis data tiles.

  4. X-Axis Data Rotational Angle: Rotational angle for X-Axis data tiles. eg. 30 or 90.

  5. X-Axis Text Rotational Angle: Rotational angle for X-Axis text. eg. 30 or 90.

  6. Y-Axis Data Rotational Angle: Rotational angle for Y-Axis data tiles. eg. 30 or 90.

31: Y-Axis Text Rotational Angle: Rotational angle for Y-Axis text. eg. 30 or 90.

32.Tooltip Formatter: The template variables are {a}, {b}, {c}, {d} and {e}, which stands for

series name, data name and data value. eg. ‘{b}: {c}
{b}: {c}’

‘a’ for data series name , ‘b’ for data name, ‘c’ for data value and ‘d; for


  1. Scatter Symbol : Scatter series symbol for scatter chart, supported symbols are circle,

arrow ,rect, roundRect , triangle, diamond, pin, arrow’, none.

Note : As you can see there are a lot of properties in chart components but they are only for customisation purposes, only data configurations & direction are mandatory for charts.

  1. Bar Chart Component :

A bar chart is a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally.

Sample 1:

Structure for Series Data :


“name” : “Sales Bar”,

“value” : [10,20,30,40,90],

“is_selected” : true


  1. Pie Chart Component :

A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice (and consequently its central angle and area), is proportional to the quantity it represents.

Structure for Series Data :

Field for path : Series data Array


“name” : “Jan”,

“value” : 50,

“is_selected” : true



“name” : “Feb”,

“value” : 40,

“is_selected” : true



“name” : “Mar”,

“value” : 10,

“is_selected” : true


  1. Line Chart Component :

A line chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called

‘markers’ connected by straight line segments.

Structure for Series Data :

Field for path : Series data Array


“name” : “line_1”,

“value” : [700,900,910,1300,1400,1370],

“is_selected” : true


  1. Scatter Chart Component :

A scatter plot is a type of plot or mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data.

Structure for Series Data :

Field for path : Scatter Series data Array

$.CHART.SCATTER_CHART_DATA = [[2,4],[3,8],[1,9],[6,4],[2,4]].

Thank You