How to change the color of elements in real-time upon clicking

When a user selects a gender option by clicking on a card (e.g., Male, Female, Others), the color of the selected card should change in real-time to provide visual feedback.

  1. Drag and Drop Cards.
  2. Drag three cards onto the canvas.
  3. Set “Set Config” Task.
  4. Select the first card.
  5. Set the “Set Config” task here.
  6. Set Border Color to Red (or any color):
  7. Select the first card.
  8. Configure the border color to red.

  1. Set White Color to Other Two Cards:
  2. Select the second card.
  3. Set the “Set Config” task here.
  4. Configure the color to white.
  5. Repeat the same steps for the third card.

  1. Repeat for All Cards:
  2. If there are more than three cards, repeat steps 2-4 for each additional card, ensuring that each card has its own “Set Config” task and color configuration.