How many function we have in vDesigner 2.0, and could you provide a list of them?

How many function we have in vDesigner 2.0, and could anyone provide a list of them?

Hi @Vikas_Malik,

The list of functions are:

  1. Average
  2. Addition
  3. Product
  4. Divide
  5. Power
  6. Factorial
  7. Sort
  8. Count
  9. Maximum
  10. Minimum
  11. Is Alphanumeric
  12. Concatenate
  13. Substring
  14. Convert To Hex
  15. String Contain
  16. To Upper
  17. To Lower
  18. Is Alpha
  19. CurrentDatetime
  20. Cast
  21. Floor
  22. Roundup
  23. Random
  24. Rounddown
  25. Mod
  26. Log
  27. Minute
  28. Weekday
  29. Static
  30. Hour
  31. Ceiling
  32. Add minutes
  33. Truncate
  34. Format Number Localized Pattern
  35. Add seconds
  36. Sub Hours
  37. Sub minutes
  38. Sub seconds
  39. Left
  40. Right
  41. Add Hours
  42. Is Numeric
  43. Trim
  44. Mid
  45. Contains All
  46. Len
  47. Mode
  48. Reverse
  49. Remove
  50. Append
  51. Split
  52. Round
  53. Median
  54. Index
  55. Extend
  56. Root
  57. Insert
  58. CharacterAt
  59. Ends With
  60. Starts With
  61. Pop
1 Product
2 Divide
3 Hours Difference’
4 Concatenate’
5 Is Alpha’
6 Cast’
7 Format Number Localized Pattern’
8 Sub Hours’
9 Sub minutes’
10 Left’
11 Trim’
12 Mid’
13 Contains All’
14 Reverse’
15 Append’
16 Len’
17 Get Enum Array’
18 Is Null’
19 Seconds Diff From Now’
20 Add Days’
21 Add Years’
22 Day’
23 Obj’
24 Is Device Session Active’
25 Is Aadhaar Valid’
26 Random’
27 Factorial’
28 Minimum’
29 Is Alphanumeric’
30 Floor’
31 Substring’
32 CurrentDatetime’
33 Roundup’
34 Rounddown’
35 Truncate’
36 Weekday’
37 Len’
38 Ends With’
39 Months Difference’
40 Add Months’
41 Date Difference’
42 Sub Months’
43 Subtract’
44 Is User Session Active’
45 Power’
46 Convert To Hex’
47 String Contain’
48 Mod’
49 Ceiling’
50 Add minutes’
51 Add seconds’
52 Right’
53 Remove’
54 Add Hours’
55 Format Date’
56 Median’
57 Extend’
58 Get Enum Obj’
59 Minutes Difference’
60 Get User Session Data’
61 Average’
62 To Upper’
63 Hour’
64 Minute’
65 Round’
66 Pop’
67 Insert’
68 Index’
69 Seconds Difference’
70 Minutes Diff From Now’
71 Month’
72 Months Diff From Now’
73 Sub Days’
74 Years Difference’
75 Days Diff From Now’
76 Sub Years’
77 Years Diff From Now’
78 Get Device Session Data’
79 Addition’
80 Sort’
81 Maximum’
82 To Lower’
83 Log’
84 Static’
85 Sub seconds’
86 Is Numeric’
87 Mode’
88 Starts With’
89 Split’
90 CharacterAt’
91 Root’
92 Is Empty’
93 Hours Diff From Now’
94 Date’
