Displaying Current Date and One Month Prior Date: A Guide to Screen Presentation

How can I display the current date along with the date exactly one month prior on my screen?

To implement this functionality, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Begin by creating a business entity. Within this entity, define three attributes as follows:
    “To”: “string”,
    “flag”: 1,
    “from”: “string”
  • These attributes play a key role, as the “FROM” key will store the date of the previous month.
  • FLAG key, we will use this for BR.
  • TO, will store the current date.
  1. Utilize the ONPAGECREATE event. In this event, employ the “COPY TASK” task. Refer to the provided configurations for guidance.

The configurations are captured in the below images:

  1. After this task configuration, we will assign the entity’s attributes to the element’s entity path.

  1. Proceed to click on Apply, Save, Commit, and Sync.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly implement the desired functionality.