Common issues found in BR configuration

Common issues found in BR configuration


Common issues found in BR configuration:

  1. BR syntax.
  • getVal syntax must be correct i.e getVal(“tempObject.brStatement”)
  • Check if there is unnecessary space at the end of the BR Statement.
  • Check if the Enter key is pressed at the end of the BR Statement.
  1. Conditions used (and/ or)
  • Check whether the and/ or conditions used are fulfilling the requirement
  1. Path used in the BR statement.
  • To check if the BR is correct or not, enter the path in the debugger if the path contains the value or not.
  1. BR mapping
  • Check whether the BR is mapped to the correct task or not.
  • Check if multiple BRs of the same name are present in the application.

@ShraddhaDhoke Can we find this kind of error in logs I should check manually?


@Shubhamkumar1 No, BR conditions cannot be verified in the logs.

For 2nd and 3rd points, you may check the BR paths in the Debugger itself and for 1st and 4th points, you will have to manually check in the vFlow designer.