Brief description about parameters in Multi-Part Parameters tab in vConnect

Brief description about parameters in Multi-Part Parameters tab in vConnect


Below is a brief description about the parameters in multi-parameter tab:

Box/List Description
Name In this box, enter the name of the parameter that you have defined in the code of the API or in the end-point URL. Note:- If the name of the parameter in the Name box does not match the parameter that you have defined in the code of the API, the API execution will fail.
Source of Value The source of value specifies the source location from where the vConnect module fetches the data. To know more about the source of value, see the section: Selecting Source of Value.
Value In this box, define a parameter. You will map this parameter to the absolution JSON path of the related field in the application. # Sample Parameter Declaration (if you select HEADER in the Source of Value list) Org_id (Header Parameter). # Sample Parameter Path (if you select REQUEST_BODY in the Source of Value list) $.Pan_Number (Request Body Parameter)In these sample parameters, the Org_id and the Pan_Number parameters must be defined in the code of the application request. Note:- When you configure the API on an element (for example: – button) in the application, you will map the Org_id or Pan_Number parameter to the value or absolute JSON path of the related field (for example: – text box).
Input File Type Click this list and then select the type of data (for example: – base64) that the API will fetch from the source file or data source. Irrespective of the input data type of the multi-part parameter, the vConnect module converts the data type of the multi-part request into JSON format before sending it to the destination point.

Thank you for the clarification on multi-part parameters @radhika