Common security points during build generation

While configuring a Vahana 2 build, some security settings like allow screenshot, enable debugger etc. are in a common section. If I get a requirement that screenshot is allowed in website but not on android mobile application, then how do I handle it?

Hi @vipashchit.chaturved, This requirement can be fulfilled easily because we generate different builds for the web and Android. So, these common functionalities can be different on both builds.

Hi @vipashchit.chaturved,

As you correctly pointed out, the ‘Downloads’ page of vDesigner-2.0 includes a ‘Settings’ tab where you can find security settings such as “Allow Screenshot” and “Enable Debugger.” Follow the steps below to meet your requirement:

  1. Open the ‘Downloads’ section and navigate to the ‘Settings’ pane:Downloads > Settings
  • Case-1: Screenshot is allowed in the “Web Build”:

    • In the ‘Settings’ page, select your ‘Environment.’
    • Go to the ‘Security’ section and check the box for "Allow Screenshot."
    • Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be redirected to the ‘Downloads’ section.
    • Click on “Create New Build” and select the ‘Web’ option:Create New Build optionSelecting 'Web' build
  • Case-2: Screenshot is not allowed in the “Android Build”:

    • Repeat the steps above, but this time uncheck the option for “Allow Screenshot.” After saving the settings, create a new ‘Android’ build.


  • When you select the “Allow Screenshot” option in the build settings, remember to also select the same option in the “Page Properties” on the Designer’s Canvas:Screenshot from 2024-04-18 14-05-22
  • Only pages with this option selected will allow you to capture screenshots on them.

Following these steps will enable you to generate a “Web-build” that allows screenshots.

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